

The Water Market

End of July

On the last Saturday of July, come and buy local products by boat in the harbour of Vanneau.

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Fete de l'angélique - Angéliqu'à Niort

About the Angelica


“Fête de l’Angélique” which celebrates the Angelica in the Marais poitevin.

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The Eco-friendly Marathon: Les Foulées du Maraisthon


The eco-marathon of the Marais poitevin. A sporting event mixing tourism and environmental friendliness.

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Moul’stock Festival

Beginning of June

Concerts, animations, mussels and French fries, rock and fun!

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Festival de peinture de Magné au coeur du Marais poitevin

Painting Festival of Magné

3rd week-end of July

The Painting Festival of Magné is one of the first painters’ gatherings in France. Hundreds of artists from all around the world are gathered here to “embrace” the different sceneries of the city, close to the Sèvre River.

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Jeudis niortais, concerts gratuits l'été en plein centre de Niort

Niort Thursdays

July and

Every Thursdays of July and August, close to the Sèvre River, or on the grass of the Moulin du Roc in Niort, musical groups get on an open air stage.

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Fête de la bouse & Festi'Bouz, fête de la vie rurale à Triaize dans le Marais poitevin

Feast of the Dung & Festi’Bouz

End of July

Artisanal animations, antique fairs, popular ball, country dinner, fireworks

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Les Francofolies at La Rochelle: a music festival that celebrates the diversity and richness of artists on the French-speaking scene around the world.

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Festival Les Ricochets, animations de rue en juillet et août à Fontenay-le-Comte dans le Marais poitevin

The Ricochets

July and August

Cultural street animations « The Ricochets » in the historic center of Fontenay-le-Comte in the Marais poitevin

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Festival international du film ornithologique, événement mondial majeur du cinéma animalier

International Festival of the Ornithological Movie

End of October to All Saints

A major worldwide event about wildlife film, this festival takes place every year around the All Saints.

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